Paradigm for Longevity

Here’s hoping your 2018 is off to a strong and positive start. Life with a home studio is quite nice-no more dealing with lousy landlords! We have settled in and are doing well. The winter light in the studio is just beautiful.

Today’s message is about Longevity. It is something we all want - no matter your age. One of the main reasons I began Pilates is that it is something I can do my entire lifespan. There is no pounding to my joints (which took a major beating as a young athlete), and it has really improved my flexibility, balance, strength, and overall look of my body. At 52, I look better now than I did in my thirties-and I weigh more!

I urge all of you to really think about your fitness goals for 2018. Do you want to be that 80-year-old who needs a walker or do you want to be crushing it in your 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and beyond?? We are living longer as never before….let us live longer with a healthy mindset. Let us commit to a (Pilates!) fitness regimen that produces real results. Humans are able to live for 120 years (yes!), so let us all start thinking about an exercise program that will take you through the decades of your life. Start now. I’m here to help you get there!!

The Pilates Paradigm: Start. Stay Consistent. Trust the Work. Enjoy Longevity.

I’m ready to work….are you?? Call, Text, or Email Me to start moving!


Bodies for a mat class on Friday mornings at 7:30 am!! Male or female. I have space for two people to join an existing client for mat class. Mat Class is a great way to be introduced to the work or add to your private practice. We have fun in class and you WILL sweat, so please contact me by phone, text or email. Starting ASAP. $25/Class. Thanks!

Let's work together to achieve Whole-Body-Health! Looking forward to New Beginnings!!

In Peace & Health,
