Power of Love and Family

My sister, Madeline, who puts my newsletters together and makes them look put together and professional, recently asked, “Where’s your newsletter?” The thing is, I’ve actually written about three of them - primarily focused on healthy aging with some humor sprinkled in for good measure. I’ve delayed sending because there is so much heartache around given the current world conditions. Just yesterday as I was listening to the 70’s channel on Sirius XM, the DJ, a Boston guy, got emotional giving UMASS Memorial Hospital a shout out to all the nurses and doctors who were the only ones allowed to see his father-in-law who had been on life support since December 30th. The restrictions were just recently lifted to allow one family member a day to visit. The nurses would call with tears saying, “It’s a miracle! He’s improving every day!”

Ah, the power of love and family . Never underestimate them. Thank you to all the nurses, doctors, and caregivers out there who are filling the roles of a patient’s loved ones until family arrives. We are all deeply grateful. The studio has weathered the storm, everyone has remained healthy and strong, and we are all looking forward to not wearing a mask! A big thank you to all my clients for trusting in me and the studio to work out safely and for at least that time we are together, taking your mind off of life’s current challenges. Hang in there...the light is coming!

The sheer power of love and family is mind blowing. For Valentine’s Day, my husband and I had a nice visit with my (almost 90 year old) mother (see above in picture) and unexpectedly my brother, Kevin also stopped by with treats. We had just missed my sister, Amy and her husband who stopped by with flowers and treats as well. I haven’t seen my brother in about a year-never has that happened in my life! When we all left, my mother was so happy and she said it was so nice to have a visit that seemed like the old days-family just poppin’ in and out, no worries. With that said, we didn’t hug and stayed at least 6 feet apart from each other; however, just being together was wonderful!

It is time we get back to family - unless of course, you are coughing and sneezing and aren’t feeling well or have other health restrictions. But in my heart and soul, I know it is time. Let us hope that we continue to move toward less fear and more love and family. Our souls need it. Our children need it. Our parents need it. Our siblings need it. Our friends need it. Our family needs it. In the meantime, the best offense is always a good defense...wash your hands, exercise/move your body daily, eat well, lay off the snacks and sugar as best you can, drink half your weight in ounces of pure water every day, get your nose in the sun, make sure you are taking appropriate vitamins, and last but certainly not least, start thinking about when you will see your loved ones...and DO IT!

The next newsletter will address aging...and the power of it! And, yes, Pilates plays an important role! Until then, be well!!

In peace and health,
