What Inspires You?

A Warm Hello from Cape Cod!

So many topics race through my mind when it's time for a new newsletter. This month, in particular, I was all over the place....until today. As it is always my goal to inspire others to action, here are some thoughts:

  • "If you don't have the time to do it right, when will you have the time to do it over?"-John Wooden. Keep your Pilates practice consistent for this is the only way to reap its many benefits.

  • I recently taught a couple of my "old" clients in my new studio; they needed a refresher. They were both running a half marathon the following morning in Falmouth. One client lost all her toes on both feet due to a horrific strep infection that nearly killed her. She was nervous about the race as this was her first one since the surgery. She finished that race, and I hear in good time! Her strength of spirit and faith inspires me and now, I hope you too. Get moving!

  • If you think you can't practice Pilates, think again. One of my current clients recently told me that she used a can opener to open a can...no big deal? Think again. She hasn't been able to do that for about 8 years! Her hands are arthritic due to meds she needs to take for her kidney transplant. One of the Pre-Pilates exercises we practice is Castinettes. She practices this several times each day...and now, is free to open cans again...among other things! Inspirational.

  • It's the season for Comfort Food! I love to cook and recently made a chicken pot pie, a recipe in my "New England Open House Cookbook" by Sarah Leah Chase. As a young twenty something and living on my own, I bought a couple cookbooks to help me learn how to cook (my mother is a good cook...but running the household with 13 kids did not allow time for cooking classes!). Sarah's first cookbook was one of them, "Nantucket Open House Cookbook." I still have that cookbook (best brownie recipe) and thank her for inspiring me to put home cooked meals on the table for my family. If you're looking for a good cookbook, check it out.

  • Anyone who knows me, knows that I've been into all things "healthy" since I've been 15. In high school, I would put down a tablespoon of cod liver oil and chase it with orange juice-for my breakouts. My Dad would take one for his arteries, me for my skin. We had that routine for some time... My most recent experiment is with celery juice...not as bad as cod liver oil, but 16 oz. is a lot more than 1 Tablespoon! The celery juice goes to work killing off any viruses that love to hang out in our organs. I'll have to update you on this, but, so far, so good!

  • My father loved reading about matters of health. He would often say, "I'm the healthiest guy in my head." It was hard for him to practice what he read. It was hard breaking the Martini a night ritual, one he enjoyed which reminds me of another classic comment. After announcing yet another baby on the way, one of my dad's buddies said, "Terry, why don't you try practicing the rhythm method?" My dad's response? "We tried that, but after a couple martinis, the Hell with the rhythm method!" And so...the rest is history! The moral of the story is...LIVE LIFE TO ITS FULLEST. ENJOY THOSE MARTINIS. EVERYTHING IN MODERATION. JUST REMEMBER TO GET BACK IN THE STUDIO THE NEXT DAY!

In peace and health,
