A Christmas Tribute

Cape Cod has never been more beautiful! Today is the annual Christmas Stroll at Osterville Village-my studio’s new home. The Village looks like an old-fashioned Currier and Ives print- swags of greens and ribbons, twinkling white lights, small Christmas trees dotting the village and gorgeous themed window displays in the merchants windows-so enchanting! I am truly grateful to be here.

Those smaller Christmas trees dotting the village were adopted and decorated by local businesses in the village. The Real McCoy teamed up with Pocketfull of Posies Children’s Shop and our theme was, “Let There Be Peace On Earth,” a longtime favorite song of mine and one that continually finds its way into my heart.

My Christmas tribute has to do with our tree and that special song...37 years ago my older brother Jimmy died in a car accident; I was 15. For years, I would say out loud “Why not me?” I kept plugging along, if knocked down, I’d get back up….and always felt inspired by Jimmy. He gave me a gift not long before he died. It was dinner time at the McCoy house, we were all seated at our very large makeshift dinner table. I had just poured myself a tall glass of cold milk and sat down next to Jimmy (Jimmy was 6’5”, 230, and an amazing athlete). He said, “Look outside! What’s that bird flying?” I turned my head to look, and in about 3 seconds flat, he grabbed my glass and gulped down the entire thing. When I turned to face him and started laughing (because it was at least the 100th time he fooled me!), he looked me in the eye and with an unusual maturity, said, “You’re going to be alright” and gave me that nod of the head and smile of his.

So when I sign my newsletters, “In Peace and Health”….that’s for Jimmy...when I get hit with a challenge or am tested to keep the peace...I think of Jimmy...when we need a theme for our village Christmas tree...”Let There Be Peace On Earth”...another one for Jimmy...

Each day I try for Peace, I did say try...I am Irish after all!! And I’ve stopped asking, “Why Not me?” years ago. I try to make a difference, in small ways, and I do this for my brother Jimmy.

“Let There Be Peace On Earth” was sung at his funeral with such passion. I don’t remember much from that day, but I do remember that song...and what a song to remember and be inspired by.

May you all be inspired by your family and friends who are no longer with us. Remember, they are indeed with you, and forever shall be.

In Peace and Health,
